Female Resistance in Carinthia/ Koroška

The first committee of the Anti-Fascist Women’s Front AFŽ (Antifašistična fronta žena) was founded in Lobnig. It was headed by Ivanka Sadolšek-Zala, who later became the secretary of the AFŽ regional committee for Carinthia.

The exhibition ‘The Female Name of Resistance’ reported on this history at various locations, such as the University of Klagenfurt as part of the conference Aesthetics of resistance Partisan art and feminist partisan cultural practice In yugoslavia and carinthia, Container 25 Hattendorf near Wolfsberg and the WerkStattMuseum in the Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky Haus.

‘AFŽ was founded in 1943 in the area around Bad Eisenkappel/Železna Kapla. The aim was to empower and educate women in and for the resistance. Many of the families from which activists were recruited had little access to education, even though the desire for education was very strong. The main burden of the partisan resistance was also on the backs of women and older men. The younger men were in the war on one side or the other. So the women who remained at the farms had to be organised and educated. They did not know how to behave in illegal resistance from the start. It had to be learnt and taught. After the war, attempts were made to encourage these women to write down their stories. But they hardly had any self-confidence. As far as agricultural work was concerned, yes, but not when it came to speaking and writing about their own lives. This role was purely male. Therefore, the AFŽ was an important political organisation in which women were specifically addressed, in which their experiences were given great importance and in which their achievements were honoured. ‘ – Helena Verdel

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Although the stories of some partisans and resistant women have become known, there were many others of whom we know less or even nothing, whose courage and commitment in the resistance deserves recognition.

In this section we collect stories of these women in the resistance.

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© from the exhibition of the Museum Peršmanhof

Projects and Events

This sections gathers recent and upcoming projects, events, exhibitions on female partisan resistance

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This section collects films about the anti-fascist resistance of women in Carinthia/Koroška.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat…


This section collects literary contributions on women’s anti-fascist resistance.

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lorem ipsum…

V Lobnigu je bil ustanovljen prvi odbor Antifašistične ženske fronte (AFŽ). Vodila ga je Ivanka Sadolšek-Zala, ki je pozneje postala sekretarka deželnega odbora AFŽ za Koroško.

„AFŽ je bila ustanovljena leta 1943 v okolici Bad Eisenkappel/Železna Kapla. Cilj je bil opolnomočiti in izobraževati ženske v odporniškem gibanju in za to gibanje. Številne družine, iz katerih so se rekrutirale aktivistke, so imele omejen dostop do izobraževanja, čeprav je bila želja po izobraževanju zelo močna. Tudi glavno breme partizanskega odpora je bilo na plečih žensk in starejših moških. Mlajši moški so bili v vojni na eni ali drugi strani. Zato je bilo treba ženske, ki so ostale na kmetijah, organizirati in izobraziti. Že od samega začetka niso vedele, kako se obnašati v ilegalnem odporu. Tega se je bilo treba naučiti in jih poučiti. Po vojni so te ženske poskušali spodbuditi, da bi zapisale svoje zgodbe. Vendar so imele komaj kaj samozavesti. Kar zadeva kmetijska dela, da, vendar ne, ko je bilo treba govoriti in pisati o svojem življenju. Ta vloga je bila izključno moška. Zato je bila AFŽ pomembna politična organizacija, v kateri so bile ženske posebej obravnavane, v kateri so bile njihove izkušnje zelo pomembne in v kateri so bili spoštovani njihovi dosežki. “- Helena Verdel

sources and more information:

  • Schau, die Welt gehört auch dir! Glej, ta svet jet tudi zate!, Interview von Markus Gönitzer mit Helena Verdel, Publizistin und Co-Autorin des Buches Glej, ta svet je tudi zate! Ženske in AFŽ/ ZSŽ na KoroškemSchau, die Welt gehört auch dir! Die Frauen der Antifaschistischen Frauenfront und des Verbands slowenischer Frauen in Kärnten. URL: https://www.textfeldsuedost.com/partizan-ke-diskurz/glej-ta-svet-intervju-helena-verdel/
  • Lobnig, Verband der Kärntner Partisanen und Freunde des antifaschistischen Widerstandes (ZKP), https://www.partizani.at/de/otoki/spomeniki/lobnik
  • Helena Verdel, Vida Obid: GLEJ, ta svet je tudi zate! Ženske in AFŽ / ZSŽ na Koroškem, 2022.
  • Karin Berger, Elisabeth Holzinger, Lotte Podgornik, Lisbeth N. Tallori: Der Himmel ist blau. Kann sein. Frauen im Widerstand. Österreich 1938-1945, Wien 1985.
  • Brigitte Entner: “Komm, miß dich mit uns, in die Wälder dich trau!” Kärntner Slowenin-nen im Widerstand. In: Krieg, Widerstand, Befreiung. Ihr Nachhall in den Kulturen undLiteraturen des Alpen-Adria-Raums, Fabjan Hafner und Johann Strutz (Hrsg). Klagenfurt -Wien, Drava Verlag: 2013. S. 31-48.