Cammini di liberazione

Cammini di liberazione is a project that is tracing and promoting events and paths of antifascist liberation, cooperating with avArc.

What it is / should become
A working community, consisting of the Interregional Forum of the EL in the
Alps-Adriatic Region, of persons, initiatives, associations, organisations and
institutions that are connected to the European anti-fascist and anti-Nazi
heritage. We want to preserve this heritage in a contemporary way and relate it
to today’s emancipatory initiatives. To this end, we want to set up a
geographically and thematically scalable interregional network that will result in
“Cammini di liberazione”, which will be displayed on the internet and
accompanied by educational, artistic and other activities or tourist offers. In
doing so, we want to include experiences of existing networks and institutions,
cooperate with them or win them over for (sustainable financial and other)
support: European Left Party or EL member parties, Rosa Luxemburg
Foundation, transform europe, FIR, their national member associations and

What we want to achieve
… Promote the culture of remembrance and make it relevant for today’s social
struggles, oppose the culture of forgetting and concealment. To work against
historical revisionism, victim-perpetrator reversals and tendencies that want to
press anti-fascist and social or transformative left discourse into the framework
of the totalitarianism doctrine and delegitimise it. Instead, we want to stimulate
discussion about the social framework of historical fascist/nazi movements,
today’s right-wing extremist and authoritarian tendencies and dominant cultures
of memory. To contribute to updating the formal language of anti-fascist
remembrance and to practical cooperation across state and national borders.
… To encourage, with the help of a website, visits to the points of remembrance
or places of commemoration, to show the connecting routes and ways to get
there, to provide basic information about contexts and links for deepening the
content that go beyond the regional contexts. Enable the compilation of
camminos by both providers and users, advertise events of a regional and
supra-regional character and provide an overview of them via click.
… Organise supra-regional events organised by the WG itself or promote events
in which the WG is involved with its own contributions. The dates should be set
by consensus in the WG and coordinated with regional initiatives in order to
avoid clashes of dates.”

© text 2022: working group “Cammini di liberazione”

Cammino AFŽ, Eisenkappel/Železna Kapla (AT)

Cammino to Tribuče (SI)

Cammino Risiera di San Sabba, Trieste (IT)

Partisanenbunker Rossalm/ Bleščeča planina (AT)


Der Ausgangspunkt …

unserer kurzen Tour ist die kleine kärntner Ortschaft Kanin. Sie ist nahe der österreichischen Einfahrt zum Karawankentunnel gelegen. Reist man mit dem Auto an, so sollte man sich frühzeitig nach einer Parkgelegenheit umsehen denn einen ausgewiesenen Wanderparkplatz sucht man vergeblich und die meisten der Flächen, die zum parken einladen würden, sind privat. Am Ausgangspunkt der angegebenen Track befindet sich ein kleiner Holzrückeplatz an dem das Parken zumindest nicht explizit verboten ist. Mit der Bahn kommt man am Bahnhof von Rosenbach an und hat einfach ca. 30 Minuten mehr Fußweg bis zum Ausgangspunkt der Wanderung.

Die ersten 200 Meter der Wanderung führen uns entlang einer Wiese, die in den Wanderkarten als “Narzissenwiese” ausgewiesen wird. Hier kann man im Mai eine für diesen Abschnitt der Karawanken typischen Nazissenart bewundern, die Sternnarzisse (Narcissus radiiflorus)